Category: Flower Gardens

The Late Summer Border

Late Season Gardens After the brilliant display of flowers through the summer, a third wave, late in the season, of color brightens up the perennial garden. Mixed among these autumn blooming flowers are the annuals which, with conscientious deadheading, continue to bloom until the first frost. Though there is the occasional pink flower, the colors […]

The Mid-Summer Border

Mid-Season Gardens In mid-summer, the perennial border is at most colorful with a wide variety of sun-loving flowers in bloom. There are even some leftovers from the early border and, towards late summer, some signs of the later blooming flowers as well. With the mid-summer flowers, it is important to choose wisely. Choose flowers which […]

The Early Border – Early Season Gardens

In the spring while most plants are still showing their new pale green growth and annuals are yet to be added to the garden, the early border is generally consists of splashes of colorful bulbs and a few early perennials against a backdrop of green foliage and brown earth. Spring bulbs are important to the […]

Gardening With Perennials

Perennials are any plants which live for more than two seasons and produce flowers which die back to the ground each fall.  They’re at the heart of most flower gardens and offer wide ranging benefits to the landscape gardener.  Their flowers are treasured for their ability to bloom, spread and multiply year after year.  Perennials […]

Introduction to Flower Gardens

Flower gardening is simple, inexpensive, and loads of fun. Before you start a garden determine how much time you’re willing to spend working in the garden. Annuals, those flowers which live for one season, require more upkeep than perennials. Since they only live for one season, they need be replanted each year. They also need […]