Category: Garden Design

Moss Gardens

Moss can certainly be a great addition to the shade garden, woodland garden, or rock garden.  It can give the garden a lush look and feel.  Moss is a low maintenance plant; it requires no mowing or fertilizer, once established it requires no watering. It grows in thick massings, making it difficult for weeds to […]

Cottage Gardens

Cottage gardens exude charm and character, with an informal style, very unlike formally designed gardens with their immaculate lawns and regimented borders. The cottage garden style typically consists of lots of plants, heavy on the flowers, with paths meandering between. The plants are chosen to suit personal tastes with the emphases on the pleasure of […]

Foundation Plantings

Entrance Gardens Traditionally, foundation plantings have been meant to conceal the cement foundations of houses.  Often though it’s more appropriate to create a welcoming entrance garden.  Foundation plantings also help to blend the house and garden in with the existing landscape. Plantings at the entrance to a house should be welcoming and open.  Avoid using […]

Urban Woodland Gardens

Urban Gardens Often times site conditions are such that it’s best to work with the existing landscape rather than make extensive changes.  These types of sites often become very successful gardens.  A shady spot beneath a stand of trees, for example, is the ideal location for a woodland garden.  Instead of trying to impose a […]

Woodland Gardens

Often times site conditions are such that it’s best to work with the existing landscape rather than make extensive changes.  These types of sites often become very successful gardens.  A shady spot beneath a stand of trees, for example, is the ideal location for a woodland garden.  Instead of trying to impose a garden through […]

Natural Gardens

Natural gardens utilize native species of plants which are often quite easy to grow.  These plants have adapted to certain environments and are generally self sustaining.  They’ll need little, if any, fertilizer and no more water than is provided by rain.  Natural gardens consist of a rich and varied mix of plants.  They introduce a […]

Japanese Gardens

Japanese gardens are designed to create landscapes which resembles nature through the careful placement of trees, shrubs, rocks, sand, artificial hills, ponds, and water. Zen and Shinto traditions have greatly influenced Japanese gardening and as a result the gardens are contemplative and serene spaces. It is essential that all the elements work well together within […]

Rock Gardens

Often there are those areas of your garden that just aren’t suitable for lawn or have exposed ledge and rocks making it impossible to plant shrubs.  These areas can easily be transformed into beautiful rock gardens by rearranging of some of the stones and bringing in a bit of new soil.  If you don’t have enough […]

Shade Gardens

If you are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to garden in the shade beneath the canopy of mature shade trees you will find many advantages not found in the full sun garden.  Shade trees moderate temperatures during the hot summer months and provide the garden with structure, privacy and year-round interest.  Shade is essential […]

Garden Design – Composition

Composition in garden design is the placement of landscape elements, the spaces they create and the transitions between them. Garden composition or order should strive for unity which is achieved when all parts of the design have a harmonious relationship to each other. Garden designs which rely on few elements in terms of plant species, […]