5 Great Hedge Shrubs

Hedges are planted for privacy screens, wind breaks, sound barriers or for marking boundary lines. It’s good idea to plant more than one species in a border, so that disease and pests won’t destroy the whole planting. The following are a 5 great hedge plants.

Boxwood (Buxus sp.) is an easy to grow evergreen shrub, boxwood responds very well to pruning and shaping. Besides making great hedges, boxwoods are great as topiary. Prune in late spring, as new growth darkens. Can tolerate part shade.
Zones 5-8

Arborvitae ‘Green Giant’ (Thuja ‘Green Giant’) is tolerant of a variety of soil conditions including sand to clay. It’s pyramid shape and requires no pruning. Pest resistant, even deer resistant. Arborvitaes are ideal for a quick hedge or windbreak. Prune then in spring before the formation of new growth. Prefers full sun.
Zones 2 – 10

Yew (Taxus sp.) is a slow to medium growing, dense shrub and ideal for a hedge. It responds very well to frequent pruning. The uniformity of a yew hedge makes a great wall for enclosed gardens. Can tolerate part shade.
Zones 5/6 – 8

Holly (Ilex sp.) is popular for its glossy green leaves, and bright red berries. Only the females set berries, but you’ll need a male to cross pollinate. Hollies prefer an acidic, nutrient rich soil. The American holly is more widely adaptable than the English. Full sun to partial shade.
Zones 5 – 9

Privet (Ligustrum sp.) is one of the most common hedge plants, privet is a fast grower which responds well to frequent pruning. Most have white summer flowers followed by black berries. Privet are very adaptable and will grow in just about any conditions. Tolerant of part shade.
Zones vary 3/6 – 7/8

Related Articles: Deciduous Shrubs, Planting Garden Shrubs, Evergreens