June Garden Tasks

  • Apply mulch around trees and shrubs. Apply no more than 3″.
  • Watch for watering needs.
  • Prune rhododendrons and azaleas and pinch off old buds when they finish blooming.
  • Remove tree wraps which may have been applied in the fall. This avoids excessive bark wetness.
  • Mulch the vegetable garden with compost to help retain water and add nutrients.
  • Prune hedges making sure the top is thinner than the bottom.
  • Divide large clumps of daffodils and spread throughout your gardens.
  • Cover strawberries to protect from birds.
  • Spread a tin layer of compost over lawn to help reduce thatch build up.
  • Plant tender vegetable early in the month.
  • Plant annuals.
  • Stake tall growing perennials to prevent them from falling over.
  • Prune Hedges.
  • Remember to mow lawns when dry to prevent spreading any diseases.